Winter Weather In Progress — Choose a Modo with winter tires & drive safely.
Not comfortable driving? Contact us to cancel your booking at no cost.
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Get help with all things Modo

A closeup photo of someone wearing a Modo shirt.

Frequently asked questions

Get the details on everything you need to know about Modo, from joining and driving to parking and insurance.

You can also consult our resource library for agreements, policies and other documents that govern Modo membership.

Joining Modo

For prospective Modo members — get information on how to join Modo and what to expect as a member.


All the details about our pricing, fees and service costs so you never have to worry about surprises on your invoice!

Insurance, accidents and damage

How Modo insurance works and what to do if your Modo is damaged or if you get into an accident.

Booking a Modo

Everything you need to know about what kind of vehicles Modo offers and how to book a Modo.

Driving a Modo

Get help with everything related to driving Modo vehicles, from operating your Modo to parking to fueling up.

Open returns

Get all the details about how to use Open Returns and avoid late return fees on Modo trips.

Modo for business

How to sign up for a Modo business account, how to add drivers and how to manage your account.

Modo for L or N drivers

How to sign up for a Modo account if you are a learner or new driver. Everything about our green members.

Modo in buildings

Info about how to claim your building’s Modo membership and drive time credits.

My account

Get help with managing your account, extra drivers, payments, billing, contact info and other account-related issues.

Electric Vehicles

Your go-to place for anything related to our Electric Vehicles from charging to trip optimization.


All your questions about the RideLink Mobile App pilot program with Modo, Translink, Mobi and Evo.