Winter Weather In Progress — Choose a Modo with winter tires & drive safely.
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Frequently asked questions

Booking a Modo

How do I book a Modo vehicle?
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Do I need to book a Modo vehicle in advance?
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How long can I book a vehicle for?
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How do I end my booking?
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How do I cancel a booking?
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Can I take a Modo vehicle into the U.S.?
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What types of vehicles does Modo have?
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What types of vehicle accessories are available?
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Do Modo vehicles come equipped with winter tires?
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Can I install a car seat or a roof rack?
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Can I install my own tire chains or tow hitches on Modo vehicles?
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Can I install my own bike rack on Modo vehicles?
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Where are Modo vehicles located?
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How do I book a Modo with a child seat?
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